Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Suffolk 2012 - The Great East Swim & RSPB Minsmere

Alton Water, Suffolk, England June 2012

Diane arriving at the Great East Swim, Alton Water, Suffolk

Women, hey? ;-) Diane sorting out her appearance


Hmmm, I was lovely, warm and dry taking this photo.

Diane celebrating her brilliant achievement

Some short videos of the day

Diane on the homeward stretch of her 2 mile swim 

Diane at the end of the swim

RSPB Minsmere, Suffolk, England

Minsmere coastal path, with Sizewell power station in the distance

RSPB Minsmere in all its glory

Again, we went looking for Bittern, and again we didn't find them. Oh well, next time, maybe. I won't hold my breath though.

A female Marsh Harrier exquisitely riding the very strong breeze

The Suffolk Punch Trust - Hollesley, Suffolk

Diane interacting with some Suffolk Punch horses

Suffolk Punches are an endangered breed of heavy horse, originally used for farming purposes back in the day before mechanisation. The mother of the foal, pictured here, is only 4 years old herself and is actually still relatively quite small. An older female horse in the colony we said hello to was at least 7ft tall and towered well above me at 6' 2''. They are a very gentle, inquisitive and noble breed though - especially the youngsters - as you can see from this picture. Fantastic horses, and I can understand why people are trying really hard to stop these almost forgotten contributors from disappearing off the planet for good.

An exquisite outcrop of Daisies

Due to the dodgy weather that weekend I think I find the blue sky almost as welcoming.

A closer view

Aldeburgh, Suffolk

 The 3 wise dogs (or should that be lazy dogs?)

Aldeburgh beach

 I put this photo up because (a) I like it, and (b) I think it's a perfect metaphor for the current state the UK finds herself in at the moment.

My favourite?

A  Herring Gull observing its surroundings. There's actually some working fishing boats just off camera. Guess what direction?

The Scallop - well I like it

An art installation dedicated to the English composer Benjamin Britten

Diane in the zone

Friday, 22 June 2012

Hawk Conservancy Trust (Andover, England)

Barn Owl by Geoffrey Dashwood

Diane holding Orion the American Bald Eagle

Danebury the American Bald Eagle

Diane holding a Harris Hawk

Me with the same Harris

African White Headed Vulture

....and again.

Othello the African Fish Eagle

 Othello chilling out in a nearby tree

Black Kites

Charlie Brown the Lanner Falcon

.....and again.

King Vulture

 Troy the world famous Tawny Owl

 Achilles the Little Owl

Crested Caraca

African White Backed Vulture (aka Cassius)

Black Kite

Grey Heron

Caught in the evening light

Wednesday, 7 March 2012


Just a few of my drawings

I've put them in Chronological order with the oldest drawing at the bottom.

I'm currently using pencils as I want to learn how to draw before I move onto other mediums.

I hope you like them.


                                                                                Work in progress

Cheetah (Pencil on A3 )

Anthony Hopkins' Titus Andronicus

Flamenco Dancer (Christina Morales)

                                                                                    Tiger (pencil on A3)


Holi (Hindu festival of Colour)

Giraffes (Brotherly Love)

This is my latest piece. It will eventually be a mother and her calf when I'm finished. I'm doing this one so it can be eventually auctioned off for a friend who has been diagnosed with cancer at the cruelly young age of 41.


Lady Gaga


2001 Space Odyssey

Bobby Moore

Carl Sagan

A work in progress

Diane (Pencil on A3 paper) 2013

Kingfisher fishing (Pencil on Paper - 2012)

Male Kingfisher (Pencil on Paper - 2012)

American Bald Eagle (Pencil on Paper - 2012)

                                                         Bee Eater (Pencil on Paper - 2012)

                                      American Bald Eagle Chasing A Starling (Pencil on Paper - 2012)

Kingfisher feeding its fledgling (Pencil on Paper - 2012)

Kestrel (2012 - Pencil on Paper)

                                                               Red Kite (2012 - Pencil on Paper)

Hummingbird (2012 - Pencil on Paper)

A Male Kingfisher (2012 - Pencil on Paper)

White Tailed Sea Eagle (2012 - Pencil on Paper)

Gannet (2012 - Pencil on Paper)

Barn Owl (2012 - Pencil on Paper)

Firecrest (2012 - Pencil on Paper)

Puffin (2012 - Pencil on Paper)

Self Portrait (2005 - Pencil on Paper)